Qualitative UX Research @ SAP


  • Usability evaluation
  • User interviews with employees, managers and HRs
  • Expert reviews (2 UX Researchers)


  • Evaluated the information architecture and user experience of WordPress newsletter templates through end-user interviews, identified key usability issues, and provided actionable recommendations to enhance the usability of all internal newsletters.
  • Validated the usability and value of a preliminary web concept for disseminating knowledge management best practices through user interviews, leading to the successful launch of a portal page featuring curated best practices content.
  • Assessed the usability of a proposed redesign for the Tutorial & Help portal page of an internal Human Resource System, contributing to the successful launch of the redesigned HR portal.
  • Evaluated the usability of a media-sharing site through expert reviews, analytics, and user interviews, delivering functional and interface recommendations for short-term improvements.
  • Collaborated with a small team consisting of one UX Researcher and one UX Designer.