
  • Controlled evaluation study with 60 participants in the driving simulation lab
  • Wizard-of-Oz technique
  • Quantitative and qualitative analysis

Project Description

To test the potential of using aural flows in a context featuring higher cognitive load and distraction, a study (n=60) was conducted in a driving simulation lab. Each participant drove through three driving scenario complexities: low, moderate and high. Within each driving scenario, participants went through an alternative aural application exposure: no device, voice-controlled aural flows (ANFORADrive) or an alternative, commercially available solution (Umano). Results suggest that voice-controlled aural flows do not affect distraction, overall safety, cognitive effort, driving performance or driving behavior when compared to the no-device condition.


NSF-funded research project “Navigating the Aural Web”, PI: Dr. Davide Bolchini

Funding Opportunities for Research Commercialization and Economic Success (FORCES) by IUPUI Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Research (OVCR)–"Eyes-Free Mobile Navigation with Aural Flows", PI: Dr. Davide Bolchini

Dissertation Document

Rohani Ghahari, R., (2015, September). Eyes-free Interactions With Aural User Interfaces